N E W S / N O V A Ĵ O J
A recording of DG's In Memoriam Shadowlight
for unaccompanied flute, a memorial tribute to
electric violinist Jamie Shadowlight, is now
available at Bandcamp (where you can
purchase and download the audio file) as well as
all major streaming sites
Every once in awhile, an artist comes along that is so brilliant, you feel honored to be able to listen to their music. David Gaines is just that artist. His imaginative orchestral compositions explode with texture and passion....
- IndabaMusic.com
One of the most outstanding & original voices in American music.
- Kevin Scott
Director, Maybrook Wind Ensemble; Former Director, SUNY-Orange Symphonic Band
Welcome to the website of composer David Gaines. Information concerning The Lion Of Panjshir (Symphony No. 2), including the concert program, available recordings, and press coverage, is available towards the bottom of the menu frame on the right-hand side of this page.
Bonvenon geesperantistoj al la retejo de komponisto David Gaines! Klaku ĉi-tie por elŝuti la ĥorusan kanton Povas Plori Mi Ne Plu. Klaku ĉi-tie por aĉeti la renovigitan, plibonigitan eldonon de la kompaktdisko de la orkestra muziko de David Gaines, kio enhavas la unuan Esperanto-simfonion - kune kun nova priskribo de la komponisto kaj angle kaj esperante! Ankau vi povas legi la nekrologon verkitan de DG por komponisto kaj Esperanto-subteninto Lou Harrison jen.